Drill Soil Efficiency

Drill Soil Efficiency helps with save file size and planet visual appeal by reducing terrain edits related to soil collection.

Author: GladimusMaximus
Created: 2023-09-26 @ 17:23:29
Last updated: 2024-06-19 @ 15:03:17
Downloads: 121 at time of closure.
Status: PUBLISHED at time of closure.

Working as of, The Roadtrip Update.

The purpose of this mod is simple: To reduce save file size by by filling the soil canisters faster while drilling with a rover. The biggest contributor to save file size and terrible, ugly planets is terrain edits. This mod adds a multiplier for soil collection that increases soil collection for higher quality drills, meaning less terrain dug per canister.

This is the default version. 4x for Drill 1, 8x for Drill 2, and 16x for Drill 3.

There is also a Lite and Extreme Version for lower and higher multipliers, respectively.

KNOWN ISSUE: These multipliers also affect the paver if it is attached alongside a drill. I do not know the fix for this, but this problem can be solved by using the paver alone or with a lower quality drill when paving tunnels.

Download: Mirror 1