Modular Gantries & Platforms

Modular Gantries & Platforms

Author: ff7cloudstrife
Created: 2024-07-13 @ 15:39:25
Last updated: 2024-07-13 @ 15:55:33
Downloads: 0 at time of closure.
Status: UNPUBLISHED at time of closure.

Modular Gantries & Platfroms

Adds a selection of gantry pieces to create walkways and platforms, all gantry pieces are researched and then printed on the Medium Printer

Start a gantry with an ENTRY RAMP attached to the ground

Ramps and Platforms have power socket for providing power to the gantries

Currently the slots on the platforms do not allow machinery to function but do carry power, instead place a normal base platform on one of the OPEN GANTRIES and connect the power slot

Download: Mirror 1